All of the following statements regarding the amendment process are correct except

All of the following statements regarding the amendment process are correct except

a. amendments can only be proposed by the Senate.
b. Congress can call a National Convention at the request of two-thirds of the states.
c. amendments must be ratified by three-fourths of the states.
d. states may ratify amendments through their legislatures or special ratifying conventions.
e. almost all amendments to date have been proposed by Congress and ratified by state legislatures.

Answer: A

With regard to the power of judicial review, the text suggests

With regard to the power of judicial review, the text suggests

a. few scholars have ever doubted the widespread support for this power at the Convention.
b. it is not clear whether the Framers intended the Supreme Court to have such a power.
c. only state courts can exercise the power in relation to federal laws.
d. the Constitution explicitly grants this power to the federal courts alone.
e. the Constitution explicitly granted this power to local courts alone.

Answer: B

The Constitution called for Senators to be

The Constitution called for Senators to be

a. elected by the people.
b. selected by members of the House.
c. selected by the previous administration.
d. chosen by the electoral college.
e. selected by the state legislatures.

Answer: E

The Great Compromise

The Great Compromise

a. required Supreme Court justices to be confirmed by the Senate.
b. based House representation on population and Senate population on equality.
c. solved the conflict between those who wanted a powerful House and those who did not.
d. provided that the president be selected by the electoral college.
e. dealt with, without mentioning by name, "slavery."

Answer: B

All of the following were features of the Virginia Plan except

All of the following were features of the Virginia Plan except

a. the government was divided into three major branches.
b. the national legislature was divided into two houses.
c. each state had one vote in the national legislature.
d. the executive was chosen by the national legislature.
e. one house of the legislature was elected directly by the people.

Answer: C

The philosophy of John Locke strongly supported the idea that

The philosophy of John Locke strongly supported the idea that

a. government ought to be limited.
b. property rights should be subordinated to human rights.
c. the state of nature was without flaw.
d. reason is an inadequate guide in establishing a political order.
e. equality of goods and income is necessary to political order.

Answer: A

When John Locke theorized about the "state of nature," he was speculating about a period of time when

When John Locke theorized about the "state of nature," he was speculating about a period of time when

a. there was no private ownership of property.
b. governments had legislative powers, but no executive.
c. power was equally divided and there was no "instinct" for self-preservation.
d. the people freely consented to detailed restrictions of their natural rights.
e. there were societies, but no governments.

Answer: E

Thomas Jefferson responded to the news of the Rebellion by noting

Thomas Jefferson responded to the news of the Rebellion by noting

a. it was the logical result of the American Revolution.
b. no such problems were likely to occur again.
c. a little rebellion now and then is a good thing.
d. confederations are always plagued by such disturbances.
e. dissenters should be arrested and jailed as soon as possible.

Answer: C

The critical meeting that was scheduled by those who met at George Washington's house and later held at Annapolis, Maryland, focused on the topic of

The critical meeting that was scheduled by those who met at George Washington's house and later held at Annapolis, Maryland, focused on the topic of

a. the quartering of soldiers.
b. naval defense.
c. trade regulation.
d. qualifications for citizenship.
e. the official recognition of several new colonies.

Answer: C

All of the following were true of the government under the Articles except

All of the following were true of the government under the Articles except

a. each state had one vote in Congress.
b. the national government could not regulate commerce.
c. the national government could not levy taxes.
d. there was no national judicial branch.
e. amendments required the support of nine of thirteen states.

Answer: E

The Articles of Confederation attempted to create

The Articles of Confederation attempted to create

a. a league of friendship among the states.
b. a centralized government.
c. a strong state commitment to the national government.
d. weak state governments.
e. none of the above.

Answer: A

One notable feature of colonial governments by 1776 was the presence of

One notable feature of colonial governments by 1776 was the presence of

a. weak governors.
b. authority in community groups and local organizations.
c. bicameral legislatures.
d. elected judges who could be removed from office by people.
e. written constitutions with detailed bills of rights.

Answer: E

The colonists new vision of government insisted that

The colonists new vision of government insisted that

a. the executive branch be superior to the legislative branch.
b. the judicial branch be superior to the legislative branch.
c. the branches of government be unified.
d. each branch of government be equal.
e. the legislative branch be superior to the executive branch.

Answer: E

An "unalienable" right is

An "unalienable" right is

a. supported by a majority of any society.
b. created by legislators.
c. based in a written constitution.
d. without restriction.
e. based on nature and Providence.

Answer: E

The essential complaints itemized in the Declaration of Independence are remarkable because

The essential complaints itemized in the Declaration of Independence are remarkable because

a. each had been primary features in other revolutions.
b. they were never actually mentioned to the King.
c. most of the colonists were unable to understand them.
d. none spoke of social or economic conditions in the colonies.
e. Jefferson got most of the material from Washington and Adams.

Answer: D

A fungal spore germinates, giving rise to a mycelium that grows outward into the soil surrounding the site where the spore originally landed. Which of the following accounts for the fungal movement, as described here?

A fungal spore germinates, giving rise to a mycelium that grows outward into the soil surrounding the site where the spore originally landed. Which of the following accounts for the fungal movement, as described here? 

A) karyogamy
B) mycelial flagella
C) alternation of generations
D) breezes distributing spores
E) cytoplasmic streaming in hyphae

Answer: E

Among sac fungi, which of these correctly distinguishes ascospores from conidia?

Among sac fungi, which of these correctly distinguishes ascospores from conidia? 

A) Ascospores are diploid, whereas conidia are haploid.
B) Ascospores are produced only by meiosis, whereas conidia are produced only by mitosis.
C) Ascospores have undergone genetic recombination during their production, whereas conidia have not.
D) Ascospores are larger, whereas conidia are smaller.
E) Ascospores will germinate into haploid hyphae, whereas conidia will germinate into diploid hyphae.

Answer: C

What are the sporangia of the bread mold Rhizopus?

What are the sporangia of the bread mold Rhizopus? 

A) asexual structures that produce haploid spores
B) asexual structures that produce diploid spores
C) sexual structures that produce haploid spores
D) sexual structures that produce diploid spores

Answer: A

Many infected animals are induced by the parasitic microsporidians to develop huge cells, known as xenomas, which are full of spores. Given their large size, what should be true of the xenomas?

Many infected animals are induced by the parasitic microsporidians to develop huge cells, known as xenomas, which are full of spores. Given their large size, what should be true of the xenomas? 

A) The parasite must endow the xenoma with some way to overcome its unfavorable surface area-to-volume ratio.
B) The xenoma must obtain mitochondria to survive.
C) The xenoma must gain a cell wall; otherwise, it will lyse.
D) The xenoma acts as a prison, of sorts, to keep the spores from escaping and infecting other organisms.

Answer: A

The microsporidian, Brachiola gambiae, parasitizes the mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Adult female mosquitoes must take blood meals in order for their eggs to develop, and it is while they take blood that they transmit malarial parasites to humans. Male mosquitoes drink flower nectar. If humans are to safely and effectively use Brachiola gambiae as a biological control to reduce human deaths from malaria, then how many of the following statements should be true? 1. Brachiola should kill the mosquitoes before the malarial parasite they carry reaches maturity. 2. The microsporidian should not be harmful to other insects. 3. Microsporidians should infect mosquito larvae, rather than mosquito adults. 4. The subsequent decline in anopheline mosquitoes should not significantly disrupt human food resources or other food webs. 5. Brachiola must be harmful to male mosquitoes, but not to female mosquitoes.

The microsporidian, Brachiola gambiae, parasitizes the mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Adult female mosquitoes must take blood meals in order for their eggs to develop, and it is while they take blood that they transmit malarial parasites to humans. Male mosquitoes drink flower nectar. If humans are to safely and effectively use Brachiola gambiae as a biological control to reduce human deaths from malaria, then how many of the following statements should be true?
1. Brachiola should kill the mosquitoes before the malarial parasite they carry reaches maturity.
2. The microsporidian should not be harmful to other insects.
3. Microsporidians should infect mosquito larvae, rather than mosquito adults.
4. The subsequent decline in anopheline mosquitoes should not significantly disrupt human food resources or other food webs.
5. Brachiola must be harmful to male mosquitoes, but not to female mosquitoes. 

A) one statement only
B) two statements
C) three statements
D) four statements
E) all five statements

Answer: C

Asexual reproduction in yeasts occurs by budding. Due to unequal cytokinesis, the "bud" cell receives less cytoplasm than the parent cell. Which of the following should be true of the smaller cell until it reaches the size of the larger cell?

Asexual reproduction in yeasts occurs by budding. Due to unequal cytokinesis, the "bud" cell receives less cytoplasm than the parent cell. Which of the following should be true of the smaller cell until it reaches the size of the larger cell? 

A) It should produce fewer fermentation products per unit time.
B) It should produce ribosomal RNA at a slower rate.
C) It should be transcriptionally less active.
D) It should have reduced motility.
E) It should have a smaller nucleus.

Answer: A

Fossil fungi date back to the origin and early evolution of plants. What combination of environmental and morphological change is similar in the evolution of both fungi and plants?

Fossil fungi date back to the origin and early evolution of plants. What combination of environmental and morphological change is similar in the evolution of both fungi and plants? 

A) presence of "coal forests" and change in mode of nutrition
B) periods of drought and presence of filamentous body shape
C) predominance in swamps and presence of cellulose in cell walls
D) colonization of land and loss of flagellated cells
E) continental drift and mode of spore dispersal

Answer: D

Which of the following statements is true of deuteromycetes?

Which of the following statements is true of deuteromycetes? 

A) They are the second of five fungal phyla to have evolved.
B) They represent the phylum in which all the fungal components of lichens are classified.
C) They are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage.
D) They are the group that includes molds, yeasts, and lichens.
E) They include the imperfect fungi that lack hyphae.

Answer: C

If all of their nuclei are equally active transcriptionally, then the cells of both dikaryotic and heterokaryotic fungi, in terms of the gene products they can make, are essentially

If all of their nuclei are equally active transcriptionally, then the cells of both dikaryotic and heterokaryotic fungi, in terms of the gene products they can make, are essentially 

A) haploid.
B) diploid.
C) alloploid.
D) completely homozygous.
E) completely hemizygous.

Answer: B

In most fungi, karyogamy does not immediately follow plasmogamy, which consequently

In most fungi, karyogamy does not immediately follow plasmogamy, which consequently 

A) means that sexual reproduction can occur in specialized structures.
B) results in multiple diploid nuclei per cell.
C) allows fungi to reproduce asexually most of the time.
D) results in heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells.
E) is strong support for the claim that fungi are not truly eukaryotic.

Answer: D

After cytokinesis occurs in budding yeasts, the daughter cell has a

After cytokinesis occurs in budding yeasts, the daughter cell has a

A) smaller nucleus and more cytoplasm than the mother cell.
B) smaller nucleus and less cytoplasm than the mother cell.
C) larger nucleus and less cytoplasm than the mother cell.
D) similar nucleus and less cytoplasm than the mother cell.

Answer: D

Consider two hyphae having equal dimensions: one from a septate species and the other from a coenocytic species. Compared with the septate species, the coenocytic species should have

Consider two hyphae having equal dimensions: one from a septate species and the other from a coenocytic species. Compared with the septate species, the coenocytic species should have 

A) fewer nuclei.
B) more pores.
C) less chitin.
D) less cytoplasm.
E) reduced cytoplasmic streaming.

Answer: C

What accounts most directly for the extremely fast growth of a fungal mycelium?

What accounts most directly for the extremely fast growth of a fungal mycelium? 

A) rapid distribution of synthesized proteins by cytoplasmic streaming
B) a long tubular body shape
C) the readily available nutrients from their ingestive mode of nutrition
D) a dikaryotic condition that supplies greater amounts of proteins and nutrients

Answer: A

In septate fungi, what structures allow cytoplasmic streaming to distribute needed nutrients, synthesized compounds, and organelles throughout the hyphae?

In septate fungi, what structures allow cytoplasmic streaming to distribute needed nutrients, synthesized compounds, and organelles throughout the hyphae? 

A) multiple chitinous layers in cross-walls
B) pores in cross-walls
C) complex microtubular cytoskeletons
D) two nuclei
E) tight junctions that form in cross-walls between cells

Answer: B

What do fungi and arthropods have in common?

What do fungi and arthropods have in common? 

A) Both groups are commonly coenocytic.
B) The haploid state is dominant in both groups.
C) Both groups are predominantly heterotrophs that ingest their food.
D) The protective coats of both groups are made of chitin.
E) Both groups have cell walls.

Answer: D

The functional significance of porous septa in certain fungal hyphae is most similar to that represented by which pair of structures in animal cells and plant cells, respectively?

The functional significance of porous septa in certain fungal hyphae is most similar to that represented by which pair of structures in animal cells and plant cells, respectively? 

A) desmosomes?tonoplasts
B) gap junctions?plasmodesmata
C) tight junctions?plastids
D) centrioles?plastids
E) flagella?central vacuoles

Answer: B

Which of the following is a characteristic of hyphate fungi (fungi featuring hyphae)?

Which of the following is a characteristic of hyphate fungi (fungi featuring hyphae)? 

A) They acquire their nutrients by phagocytosis.
B) Their body plan is a unicellular sphere.
C) Their cell walls consist mainly of cellulose microfibrils.
D) They are adapted for rapid directional growth to new food sources.
E) They reproduce asexually by a process known as budding.

Answer: D

If all fungi in an environment that perform decomposition were to suddenly die, then which group of organisms should benefit most, due to the fact that their fungal competitors have been removed?

If all fungi in an environment that perform decomposition were to suddenly die, then which group of organisms should benefit most, due to the fact that their fungal competitors have been removed? 

A) plants
B) protists
C) prokaryotes
D) animals
E) mutualistic fungi

Answer: C

The hydrolytic digestion of which of the following should produce monomers that are aminated (i.e., have an amine group attached) molecules of ß-glucose?

The hydrolytic digestion of which of the following should produce monomers that are aminated (i.e., have an amine group attached) molecules of ß-glucose?

A) insect exoskeleton
B) plant cell walls
C) fungal cell walls
D) Three of these responses are correct.
E) Two of these responses are correct.

Answer: E

A fruit is most commonly

A fruit is most commonly 

A) a mature ovary.
B) a thickened style.
C) an enlarged ovule.
D) a modified root.
E) a mature female gametophyte.

Answer: A

Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?

Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?

A) in the style of a flower
B) inside the tip of a pollen tube
C) enclosed in the stigma of a flower
D) within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower
E) packed into pollen sacs within the anthers found on a stamen

Answer: D

The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels (n = 17), is native to tropical rain forests of South America. It is a hardwood tree that can grow to over 50 meters, is a source of high-quality lumber, and is a favorite nesting site for harpy eagles. As the rainy season ends, tough-walled fruits, each containing 8?25 seeds (Brazil nuts), fall to the forest floor. About $50 million worth of nuts are harvested each year. Scientists have discovered that the pale yellow, self-incompatible flowers of Brazil nut trees admit only female orchid bees as pollinators.

The Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excels (n = 17), is native to tropical rain forests of South America. It is a hardwood tree that can grow to over 50 meters, is a source of high-quality lumber, and is a favorite nesting site for harpy eagles. As the rainy season ends, tough-walled fruits, each containing 8?25 seeds (Brazil nuts), fall to the forest floor. About $50 million worth of nuts are harvested each year. Scientists have discovered that the pale yellow, self-incompatible flowers of Brazil nut trees admit only female orchid bees as pollinators. 

Animals that consume Brazil nuts are deriving nutrition mostly from tissue whose nuclei have how many chromosomes? 

A) 17
B) 34
C) 51
D) 68
E) There is not enough information to say.

Answer: C

The agouti (Dasyprocta spp.), a cat-sized rodent, is the only animal with teeth strong enough to crack the hard wall of Brazil nut fruits. It typically eats some of the seeds, buries others, and leaves still others behind inside the fruit, which moisture can now enter. The uneaten seeds may subsequently germinate. Consequently, which terms describe the relationship between the Brazil nut tree and the agouti? 

1. parasitic
2. commensalistic
3. symbiotic
4. endosymbiotic
5. mutualistic

A) 1 and 3
B) 2 and 4
C) 2 and 5
D) 3 and 5
E) 4 and 5

Answer: D

Entrepreneurs attempted, but failed, to harvest nuts from plantations grown in Southeast Asia. Attempts to grow Brazil nut trees in South American plantations also failed. In both cases, the trees grew vigorously, produced healthy flowers in profusion, but set no fruit. Consequently, what is the likely source of the problem? 

A) poor sporophyte viability
B) poor sporophyte fertility
C) failure to produce fertile ovules
D) failure to produce pollen
E) pollination failure

Answer: E

The agouti is most directly involved with the Brazil nut tree's dispersal of A) male gametophytes. 

B) female gametophytes.
C) sporophyte embryos.
D) sporophyte megaspores.
E) female gametes.

Answer: C

The harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja, is the largest, most powerful raptor in the Americas. It nests only in trees taller than 25 meters. It is a "sloth specialist," but will also take agouti. Thus, if these eagles capture too many agoutis from a particular locale, they might contribute to their own demise by A) having too many offspring. 

B) increasing habitat loss.
C) decreasing atmospheric CO2.
D) increasing the number of sloths.

Answer: B

Brazil nut trees begin producing fruit at the age of 10 years, reach final height at about 120 years, and can live for over 500 years. A landowner can earn more by felling a Brazil nut tree and selling it for lumber than from several seasons' worth of Brazil nut harvests from the same tree. Thus, it makes greater financial sense in the long run to harvest 

A) all of the Brazil nut trees and sell them for lumber.
B) all of the nuts, and only then harvest all of the trees.
C) the nuts for many seasons.
D) remove no resources from the forest.

Answer: C

Native peoples traditionally use Brazil nuts to treat stomach ache, inflammation, hypersensitivity, and hepatitis. Consequently, a scientist should be interested in promoting

A) better education for the native peoples so that they will overcome their old ways. 
B) clear-cutting forests containing Brazil nut trees to make way for crops with proven medical benefits.
C) an increase in the living standards of the native peoples so that they might be able to purchase modern pharmaceuticals.
D) the evaluation of Brazil nut chemicals for use as potential drugs.
E) that free, FDA-approved medicines be provided to the impoverished natives.

Answer: D

To help ensure a prosperous future for the largest number of people, developed countries should 

A) help underdeveloped countries to more effectively exploit and market their natural resources.
B) apply sanctions on developing countries that fail to curtail their rates of growth and development.
C) conserve at home and exploit resources abroad.
D) reuse, recycle, and reduce at home, while encouraging the same abroad.
E) work for the removal of indigenous peoples from endangered habitats, so as to better preserve limited resources in those habitats.

Answer: D

In the long run, harvesting Brazil nut trees for their lumber is most likely to benefit 

A) harpy eagles.
B) later generations of humans.
C) agoutis.
D) orchid bees.
E) sloths.

Answer: E

People who attempted to plant Brazil nuts in hopes of establishing plantations of Brazil nut trees played roles most similar to those of 

A) agoutis.
B) orchid bees.
C) pollen tubes.
D) harpy eagles.

Answer: A

The same bees that pollinate the flowers of the Brazil nut trees pollinate orchids, which are epiphytes (in other words, plants that grow on other plants); however, orchids cannot grow on Brazil nut trees. These observations explain 

A) the coevolution of Brazil nut trees and orchids. 
B) why Brazil nut trees do not set fruit in plantations.
C) why male orchid bees do not pollinate Brazil nut tree flowers.
D) why male orchid bees are smaller than female orchid bees.
E) the importance of orchid and Brazil nut tree flowers for the production of orchid bee honey.

Answer: B

If a female orchid bee has just left a Brazil nut tree with nectar in her stomach, and if she visits only other flowers on the same tree, the result should be 

A) pollination. 
B) more nectar in her stomach.
C) more pollen in her pollen basket.
D) Three of the responses above are correct.
E) Two of the responses above are correct.

Answer: E

If a female orchid bee has just left a Brazil nut tree with nectar in her stomach, and if she visits another flower on a different Brazil nut tree, what is the sequence in which the following events should occur? 

1. double fertilization
2. pollen tube emerges from pollen grain
3. pollen tube enters micropyle
4. pollination

A) 4, 2, 3, 1
B) 4, 2, 1, 3
C) 4, 3, 2, 1
D) 2, 4, 3, 1
E) 2, 4, 1, 3

Answer: A

Orchid bees are to Brazil nut trees as ________ are to pine trees. 

A) breezes
B) rain droplets
C) seed-eating birds
D) squirrels
E) both seed-eating birds and squirrels

Answer: A

The taller a Brazil nut tree is, 

1. the more valuable it is as a source of lumber.
2. the less useful it is to harpy eagles.
3. the greater its photosynthetic rate relative to neighboring plants.

A) 1 only
B) 1 and 2
C) 1 and 3
D) 2 and 3

Answer: C

Harold and Kumar are pre-med and pre-pharmacy students, respectively. They complain to their biology professor that they should not have to study about plants because plants have little relevance to their chosen professions.

Harold and Kumar are pre-med and pre-pharmacy students, respectively. They complain to their biology professor that they should not have to study about plants because plants have little relevance to their chosen professions. 

It would be best for these students, and for society in the long run, if their biology professor responds by 

A) acknowledging their concern, and promising not to hold them responsible for any material on plants.
B) chiding them for their careerist attitudes, and advising them to whine less and study more.
C) offering extra credit for a research paper on plants that harm humans, as well as plants that heal humans.
D) lowering the stress level by providing them with the relevant test questions from the upcoming test so they can research the answers ahead of time.

Answer: C

From reading their biology textbook, what would Harold and Kumar discover? 

A) About one-quarter of all prescription drugs come from seed plants. 
B) Prescription drugs that enter the water table are responsible for the extinction of many plants.
C) Much of what was once rain forest has been replanted with fields of medicinally valuable plants.
D) All rain forest plants contain at least one chemical useful as a medicine.

Answer: A

Kumar, especially, might be well advised to learn more about 

A) cell wall components, such as lignins and pectins.
B) secondary metabolites.
C) accessory photosynthetic pigments.
D) sporopollenin.
E) the wax of cuticles.

Answer: B

Which adaptation(s) of land plants is (are) likely to provide Harold with future patients? 

A) sporophyte dominance
B) defenses against herbivory
C) those for using wind to disperse male gametophytes
D) All three of the responses above are potentially medically significant.
E) Two of the responses above are potentially medically significant.

Answer: E

Oviparous (egg-laying) animals have internal fertilization (sperm cells encounter eggs within the female's body). Yolk and/or albumen is (are) provided to the embryo, and a shell is then deposited around the embryo and its food source. Eggs are subsequently deposited in an environment that promotes their further development, or are incubated by one or both parents.

Oviparous (egg-laying) animals have internal fertilization (sperm cells encounter eggs within the female's body). Yolk and/or albumen is (are) provided to the embryo, and a shell is then deposited around the embryo and its food source. Eggs are subsequently deposited in an environment that promotes their further development, or are incubated by one or both parents. 

The yolk and/or albumen of an animal egg is what type of angiosperm analog? 

A) endosperm
B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei
C) carpels
D) fruit
E) integuments

Answer: A

The shell of an animal egg is what type of angiosperm analog? 

A) endosperm
B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei
C) carpels
D) fruit
E) integuments

Answer: E

The internal fertilization that occurs prior to shell deposition is what type of angiosperm analog? 

A) endosperm
B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei
C) carpels
D) fruit
E) integuments

Answer: B

The dispersal and/or nurture of young after hatching from the egg is what type of angiosperm analog? 

A) endosperm
B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei
C) carpels
D) fruit
E) integuments

Answer: D

In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. Match the number of chromosomes present in each of the following onion tissues.

In onions (Allium), cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. Match the number of chromosomes present in each of the following onion tissues. 

How many chromosomes should be in a tube cell nucleus? 

A) 4
B) 8
C) 16
D) 24
E) 32

Answer: B

How many chromosomes should be in an endosperm nucleus? A) 4 

B) 8
C) 16
D) 24
E) 32

Answer: D

How many chromosomes should be in a generative cell nucleus? A) 4 

B) 8
C) 16
D) 24
E) 32

Answer: B

How many chromosomes should be in an embryo sac nucleus? A) 4 

B) 8
C) 16
D) 24
E) 32

Answer: B

How many chromosomes should be in an embryo nucleus? A) 4 

B) 8
C) 16
D) 24
E) 32

Answer: C

How many chromosomes should be in a megasporangium nucleus? 

A) 4
B) 8
C) 16
D) 24
E) 32

Answer: C

The cycads, a mostly tropical phylum of gymnosperms, evolved about 300 million years ago and were dominant forms during the Age of the Dinosaurs. Though their sperm are flagellated, their ovules are pollinated by beetles. These beetles get nutrition (they eat pollen) and shelter from the microsporophylls. Upon visiting megasporophylls, the beetles transfer pollen to the exposed ovules. In cycads, pollen cones and seed cones are borne on different plants. Cycads synthesize neurotoxins, especially in the seeds, that are effective against most animals, including humans.

The cycads, a mostly tropical phylum of gymnosperms, evolved about 300 million years ago and were dominant forms during the Age of the Dinosaurs. Though their sperm are flagellated, their ovules are pollinated by beetles. These beetles get nutrition (they eat pollen) and shelter from the microsporophylls. Upon visiting megasporophylls, the beetles transfer pollen to the exposed ovules. In cycads, pollen cones and seed cones are borne on different plants. Cycads synthesize neurotoxins, especially in the seeds, that are effective against most animals, including humans. 

Which feature of cycads distinguishes them from most other gymnosperms? 

1. They have exposed ovules.
2. They have flagellated sperm.
3. They are pollinated by animals.

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 3 only
D) 2 and 3
E) 1, 2, and 3

Answer: D

Which feature of cycads makes them similar to many angiosperms? 

1. They have exposed ovules.
2. They have flagellated sperm.
3. They are pollinated by animals.

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 3 only
D) 2 and 3
E) 1, 2, and 3

Answer: C

If the beetles survive by consuming cycad pollen, then whether the beetles should be considered mutualists with, or parasites of, the cycads depends upon A) the extent to which their overall activities affect cycad reproduction. 

B) the extent to which the beetles are affected by the neurotoxins.
C) the extent to which the beetles damage the cycad flowers.
D) the distance the beetles must travel between cycad microsporophylls and cycad megasporophylls.

Answer: A

On the Pacific island of Guam, large herbivorous bats called "flying foxes" commonly feed on cycad seeds, a potent source of neurotoxins. The flying foxes do not visit male cones. Consequently, what should be true? 

A) The flying foxes are attracted to cycad fruit, and eat the enclosed seeds only by accident. 
B) Flying foxes are highly susceptible to the effects of the neurotoxins.
C) The flying foxes assist the beetles as important pollinating agents of the cycads.
D) Flying foxes can be dispersal agents of cycad seeds if the seeds sometimes get swallowed whole (in other words, without getting chewed).

Answer: D

If one were to erect a new taxon of plants that included all plants that are pollinated by animals, and only plants that are pollinated by animals, then this new taxon would be 

A) monophyletic. 
B) paraphyletic.
C) polyphyletic.
D) identical in composition to the phylum Anthophyta.
E) identical in composition to the phylum Cycadophyta.

Answer: C

A botanist was visiting a tropical region for the purpose of discovering plants with medicinal properties. All of the following might be ways of identifying potentially useful plants except

A botanist was visiting a tropical region for the purpose of discovering plants with medicinal properties. All of the following might be ways of identifying potentially useful plants except 

A) observing which plants sick animals seek out.
B) observing which plants are the most used food plants.
C) observing which plants animals do not eat.
D) collecting plants and subjecting them to chemical analysis.
E) asking local people which plants they use as medicine.

Answer: B

The cutting and burning of tropical rain forests leads to which of the following? 1. addition of CO2 to the atmosphere 2. decreased removal of CO2 from the atmosphere 3. greenhouse effect 4. global warming 5. decreasing sea level

The cutting and burning of tropical rain forests leads to which of the following?
1. addition of CO2 to the atmosphere
2. decreased removal of CO2 from the atmosphere
3. greenhouse effect
4. global warming
5. decreasing sea level 

A) 1 only
B) 1 and 2
C) 1, 2, and 3
D) 1, 2, 3, and 4
E) 2, 3, 4, and 5

Answer: D

Cutting down rain forests can lead to

Cutting down rain forests can lead to 

A) decreased temperatures.
B) decreased rainfall.
C) decreased atmospheric carbon dioxide.
D) increased biodiversity.
E) more than one of these.

Answer: B

The fruit of the mistletoe, a parasitic angiosperm, is a one-seeded berry. In members of the genus Viscum, the outside of the seed is viscous (sticky), which permits the seed to adhere to surfaces, such as the branches of host plants or the beaks of birds. What should be expected of the fruit if the viscosity of Viscum seeds is primarily an adaptation for dispersal rather than an adaptation for infecting host plant tissues?

The fruit of the mistletoe, a parasitic angiosperm, is a one-seeded berry. In members of the genus Viscum, the outside of the seed is viscous (sticky), which permits the seed to adhere to surfaces, such as the branches of host plants or the beaks of birds. What should be expected of the fruit if the viscosity of Viscum seeds is primarily an adaptation for dispersal rather than an adaptation for infecting host plant tissues? 

A) It should be drab in color.
B) It should be colored so as to provide it with camouflage.
C) It should be nutritious.
D) It should secrete enzymes that can digest bark.
E) It should contain chemicals that cause birds to fly to the ground and vomit.

Answer: C

Many mammals have skins and mucous membranes that are sensitive to phenolic secretions of plants like poison oak (Rhus). These secondary compounds are primarily adaptations that

Many mammals have skins and mucous membranes that are sensitive to phenolic secretions of plants like poison oak (Rhus). These secondary compounds are primarily adaptations that 

A) prevent desiccation.
B) favor pollination.
C) foster seed dispersal.
D) decrease competition.
E) inhibit herbivory.

Answer: E